Betgames Africa Rules:
Lucky 5 Rules
1.1.1 Five (5) winning balls out of 36 are randomly drawn to the cylinders of the game machine.
1.1.2 The draw is deemed to have taken place when Mixing and Selection process is over. In all other cases the draw is either void and all the stakes are returned or Mixing and Selection process is continued until 5 winning balls are selected into the Cylinders and all the remaining balls lie at the bottom of the Drum of the game machine.
1.1.3 The order of the winning balls of the draw is determined by the machine cylinders from left to right. The cylinder to the left is considered to be first and the one on the right is the last. The order in which the cylinders are filled does not have any influence on the result of the draw.
1.1.4 Game machine – a mechanical device used to put, shuffle and randomly select the winning balls.
1.1.5 Balls – a set of thirty-six (36) balls which is used for the game. The balls are white, blue, green and red. There are 9 balls of each colour and the balls are numbered from 1 to 36. Total sum of the balls is 666. Total sum of the white balls is 45, total sum of the green balls is 126, total sum of the red balls is 207 and total sum of the blue balls is 288.
1.1.6 Drum of the game machine – a part of the game machine where all the balls are placed after the presentation. Later the balls are mixed and the winning balls are drawn.
1.1.7 Cylinders – 5 identical parts that are connected to the drum of the game machine where the winning balls are drawn. Each of the 5 winning balls are presented and shown in separate frames.
1.1.8 Mixing and Selection process – a process is considered as started when all balls fall into the Drum of the game machine after the presentation of the balls. The process is considered as finished when 5 winning balls are selected into the Cylinders and all the remaining balls lie at the bottom of the Drum of the game machine.
1.1.9 Odds – numerical expression determined by the game organizer, which is multiplied by the player’s stake to calculate the winnings.
Lucky 6 Rules
1.2.1 Six (6) winning balls out of 60 are randomly drawn into the cylinders of the game machine.
1.2.2 The order of the winning balls is determined by the machine cylinders from left to right. The cylinder to the left is considered to be the first. The order in which the cylinders are filled does not have any influence on the result of the draw.
1.2.3 Game machine – a mechanical device used to put, shuffle and randomly select the winning balls.
1.2.4 Balls – a set of sixty (60) balls which is used for the game. There are 30 red and 30 blue balls. The balls are numbered from 0 to 9. Total sum of the numbers on the balls is 270. Total sum of the numbers on the red balls is 138 and total sum of the numbers on the blue balls is 132.
1.2.5 Drum of the game machine – a part of the game machine where all the balls are placed after the presentation. Later the balls are mixed and the winning balls are drawn.
1.2.6 Cylinders – 6 identical parts that are connected to the drum of the game machine where the winning balls are drawn. All 6 winning balls are shown in the separate frame.
1.2.7 Mixing and Selection process – a process that is considered as started when all balls fall into the Drum of the game machine. The process is considered as finished when all 6 winning balls are selected into the Cylinders and all the remaining balls lie at the bottom of the Drum of the game machine.
1.2.8 Odds – numerical expression determined by the game organizer, which is multiplied by the amount of the player’s stake to calculate the winnings.
1.2.9 (zero) is considered an even number.
Lucky 7 Rules
1.3.1. Seven (7) winning balls out of 42 are randomly selected to the game tube.
1.3.2. The draw is deemed to have taken place when at least 7 winning balls are selected.
1.3.3. If more than 7 balls are placed in the tube only the first 7 balls are counted and the other balls in the tube are ignored.
1.3.4. Game machine – a mechanical device used to put, shuffle and randomly select the winning balls of the draw.
1.3.5. Balls – a set of forty two (42) yellow and black balls which is used for the game. There are 21 balls of each colour and the balls are numbered from 1 to 42. Total sum of the balls is 903. Total sum of the yellow balls is 451 and total sum of the black balls is 452.
1.3.6. Drum of the game machine – a part of the game machine where all the balls are placed after the presentation. Later the balls are shuffled and the winning balls are randomly selected.
1.3.7. Tube – a part of the game machine that is connected with the drum where the randomly selected balls are placed. 7 winning balls are presented and shown in separate frame.
1.3.8. Odds – numerical expression determined by the game organizer, which is multiplied by the amount of the player’s stake to calculate the winnings.
1.4.1. There is only one betting round and players can place their bets on all available outcomes for the upcoming draw.
1.4.2. A betting round takes place between the game draws and lasts about four minutes (when the first draw is finished, the betting round for the second draw immediately starts. The broadcast starts after the end of the betting round). Draws of the game run every 5 minutes daily.
Betting Limits
– Maximum winnings with single bets limited to R100 000, Doubles limited to R100 000 and maximum exposure of R500 000 to be capped on a specific draw or specific bet type on overall winnings. A minimum betting stake of R2 is applicable in the retail outlets.
Special cases
1.6.1. Cancelled draws.
– All bets on cancelled draws are void and all stakes shall be refunded.
– Draws can be cancelled due to technical failures: internet connection problems, technical problems in the studio or presenter‘s mistakes.
– Presenter‘s mistakes that result in cancelled draws:
– The balls are not prepared before the start of the draw. The presenter must put the balls in the specified place, so it can be clearly seen that a full set of unmixed balls is used.
– A ball or balls cannot be seen on screen due to the dealer‘s actions.
1.6.2. Video and audio streaming does not match or do not exist.
– If the sound during the broadcast is lost or the presenter announces the wrong winning ball numbers, the correct draw outcomes and winning numbers are determined by the video broadcast.
– If a player cannot see the live broadcast due to technical reasons at his end (no internet connection, no electricity etc.) but the broadcast can be found in the archive, the draw is deemed to have taken place.
1.6.3. Mixing and selection process (Lucky 5) may be continued if:
– Less than 5 balls are selected into the cylinders of the game machine when the mixing and selection process is over.
– During the process a selected ball or balls fall back into the drum of the game machine.
Game organization procedure
1.7.1. Game draws run every 5 minutes, 24/7 with maintenance breaks on demand.
– The organizer has the right to change the time and duration of the broadcasts.
1.7.2. Longer breaks may occur due to technical failures in the studio. All bets placed on scheduled draws during a break are void and stakes are returned to the players.
1.7.3. Results of each draw and an archive for the broadcasts can be found on the game organizer‘s website.